What is Car Insurance?

Simply put, car insurance is the first line of defense against accidents and theft that involve an individual’s automobile. These policies are designed to cover a wide range of potential dangers, from accidents on the road to hit-and-run incidents, vandalism to a car’s interior or exterior, fire, or even theft. Each policy varies in terms of its coverage, however, and drivers who are looking for the best combination of cost and coverage should always opt to compare car insurance rates between all of the major providers that serve their state.
It should be noted that car insurance is one of the few types of liability coverage that is mandated by Unite States law. While other products, like renter’s insurance or life insurance, are optional, it is quite simply illegal to drive a motor vehicle of any kind without at least the state-mandated minimum level of liability coverage. Failure to secure car insurance coverage from one of the major car insurance companies can result in a vehicle’s tags being revoked. Penalties for driving without insurance are stiff, up to and including losing one’s driver’s license as a result.

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