What are the important factors in choose a life insurance plan?

There are many important factors regarding choosing a life insurance plan like finding one that fits your needs. Remember, before buying any policy whether it’s a senior life insurance or not, review your life insurance needs and who depends on you.
• Are you providing for your spouse, children or parent after your death?
• Do you have a retirement plan already like investment accounts or real estate?
• Are you looking for insurance for the next 20 years or your entire life?
• Do you want disability rider in your policy to take care of you before your death?
Don’t pick a policy you can’t afford. You’re not trying to bump your beneficiary into the top tax bracket. You’re trying to cover your funeral expenses, bills and help them sustain your loss of income.
Pick the type insurance policy that fits your insurance needs. If you want one that has cash value built in, don’t pick a term life insurance policy. If you want a plan for a short time, choose a term policy. Be sure you can afford the policy premiums. Regardless of what type of policy you choose, take the time to cost compare.

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